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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

Weight Loss Methods, How to Lose Fat

People who try different weight loss methods often find themselves in the middle of a hard situation, this happens when they are incapable of following those methods until the time when they really start showing the benefits. I have something to tell you, I used to be a fat person, I used to suffer from overweight; however I found out that it really does not matter the kind of weight loss method that you follow, because in the end you will only see the results if you actually enjoy following the method.

In the past I tried everything, from those miraculous diets that artists announce in the television, to those bizarre exercise machinery in which you are supposed to reach your weight loss goal without even realizing you are doing something. I also got myself inside those sauna baths, wore patches, tried acupuncture, and even hypnosis; but there was only one thing that got me to my ideal weight, and it was called motivation.

As I wrote before, there is no single weight loss method that will help you burning fat if you do not actually enjoy following it. Whether it is a diet or a routine exercise, if you do not like what they make you eat, or you do not feel motivated to wake up every morning and perform your exercise routine, after a few days you will dispose the method; believe me, you will toss the exercise machine in your closet never to see it again, and you will go back to your chocolates and candy bars, there is no escaping this situation.

So, the first thing that you need to do in order to discover the best weight loss method and lose some fat, is to find something you will actually like. In my case it was martial arts, I really have fun throwing some kicks and punching stuff, and while at the beginning my technique was not very good, I got better with time; and time also brought results, and results boosted my confidence and my motivation until it became a cycle: the more exercise I did, the more results I got, and the more results I got, the more motivated I was for following this weight loss method. Try it yourself, just keep in mind that the best weight loss method is the one that you actually want to follow, not for the results themselves, but for the actual process.

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Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.