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Friday, May 9, 2008 

Weight Loss Tips For Athletes

For a best performance, athletes are to be trim and healthy. Winning is based on their talent along with a healthy body. For workouts and practice, they need to shed weight without damaging their muscles. This is the point were most of them do not care about. In order, to gain a quick change they often skip meals or use diet pills and laxatives. Some even try vomiting by triggering their throat. Ultimately, such habits will lead to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

Thus, athletes who are to be healthy end up in various diseases especially in women. Exercising towards the competition needs more effort. In certain cases, these people starve and follow unhealthy diets that might lead to diseases affecting the bone. Sudden change in the weight is always risky. An ideal goal is to reduce one or two pounds a week. Appointing a dietitian would help much in assisting a proper diet considering the weight, height, and age. With a healthy diet, it is easy to attain loss of fat than the muscle.

Athletes should always consume a variety of food. It is advisable not to skip meals especially when hunger cannot be controlled. Protein and carbohydrate enriched food stuffs can be taken before the routine workout or exercise. Calories are being burned off with exercise. Therefore, a well-planned food regime is to be prepared. Athletes put on weight after a particular competition. Retaining their old figure is not as easy as it sounds.

Consuming smaller meals within two to three hours and using considerably smaller plates keeps the person away from overeating. Skimmed milk and low fat diary foods should be preferred. Fish and chicken must be included in one meal of the day. It is better to avoid meat, but if it is a necessity remember to remove the fat before cooking. Including high-fiber food in the regime would give a feeling of fullness. Devouring fruits and vegetables will be more apt that it may avoid the person from over eating.

Fruit juices should be taken in plenty without much sugar and fat. Carbonated drinks are to be completely avoided. It is important for the athletes not to feel hungry during workouts. They might have a crave for sweets and confectioneries. A fruit or fruit juice before the work out will reduce their exhaustion and always feel full. Drinking plenty of water will prevent dehydration. Dehydration can result in serious problems to the health.

There are many risks for the athletes if they lose weight without any proper consultations. Along with the fat, muscle wasting might take place with heavy exercises, which can lead to diseases that may be even fatal.

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