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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

Which Diets Are The Best?

So which diets are the best? Which give the fastest results? Which guarantee weight won't come back after you've finished with your dieting method? There is one dieting method that answers all of the above questions. This dieting method enhances your fat burning system and increases your metabolism. It is called calorie shifting, and with it you can accomplish tremendous weight loss. Up to 10 pounds or more in 2 weeks.

Now you're probably thinking, if it's such a fancy diet, it must require a lot of work, right? The answer is no. With the right knowledge you can accomplish this diet easily. And guess what? All you have to do is eat 4 or more meals a day! The only thing that you have to do is make sure every meal you eat has different calorie values. If you do this correctly, weight loss will happen very quickly and you can start seeing results after the very first day!

How is it possible that the greatest dieting method only requires that you eat more and not less? Well here's the thing, the body has a natural way of knowing what you will eat. This is because it's used to a routine and because of that it's used to burning the same number of calories. So even if you try dieting under normal circumstances and eat less, your body will adapt to this change and burn less calories to keep the routine in check. However calorie shifting will disrupt this.

Calorie shifting is designed so that there is no routine, which is why you will be eating meals in different calorie values. And when your body will be forced to burn different amounts of calories so often each day, it will naturally start increasing your metabolism and will burn more calories so that it can continue it's routine. And when that starts to happen, you start to lose weight very rapidly. So if you're still wondering which diets are the best, look no further because this is it!

Calorie shifting is a safe and fast alternative to dieting pills, rigorous workouts, and starvation. It is the most flexible diet you'll ever discover. With it you can eat the foods you love and still lose weight while you go on with your daily life.

But we've only scratched the surface of this amazing new dieting technique. If you're interested in knowing more, I highly recommend you visit this page. You will find important information, tips and very helpful resources on calorie shifting!