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Sunday, June 8, 2008 

Easy Tips for Weight Loss

There are thousands of "experts" out there trying to sell you their weight loss solution, which usually involves a huge calorie reduction in order to see results. It is impossible for me, having been in the fitness industry so many years, to justify starving yourself as a healthy practice. I am exercise advocate; I don't believe in dieting. Nutrition, however, IS a very important component in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Simple choices often make the difference and I'd like to offer up some easy tips for you to use everyday.

First, it's important to understand the reason we gain fat weight. When more calories are consumed than the body has current use for, it converts those extra calories to fat for storage. It was an evolutionary survival necessity; when food was plentiful we ate in abundance and when times were lean survival depended on having enough fat stored. If we want to lose excess fat we need to consume fewer calories than our body needs-this is called energy deficit. If one were to consume 100 less calories everyday, or burn 100 more, it would result in over 10lbs of fat loss in a year's time. If we want faster results, we have to make the energy deficit greater.

Tips to Creating a Daily Calorie Deficit

Avoid Liquid Calories:

A can of Coke has 139 calories; an average latte with regular milk has 180 calories; a 471 mL (16 fl oz) bottle of orange juice can have 225 calories...I'm sure you get the point. Opt for water (0 calories) and tea (5 calories per 250mL). Just for comparison, a plain donut has 185 calories, and a Subway roast beef deli sandwich has 215.

Read Food Labels:

Find out how much a serving size is; it is often less than we think. Products that boast of being low-fat or fat free are not necessarily low calorie. Just as a label that proclaims low-carb or sugar-free doesn't mean a low fat or calorie count.

Don't Skip Your Meals:

Try and eat 5-6 times per day. If you eat smaller amounts more often it will keep your metabolism revved up, keep you from over eating at meal times, and help balance your blood sugar level. If you are used to eating only 2 or 3 times a day, try gradually increasing your meal frequency so it doesn't seem so overwhelming.

Do More Walking:

For a 180lb person one mile of walking burns around 100 calories. It doesn't matter how fast or slow the pace; walking at a 3.0mph, which is a bit more than a stroll, it would take about 24 minutes. This equates to around 90 seconds for every waking hour. Just find ways to fit it in; park farther away, don't drive to the corner store, or to get the mail.

Start a Workout Program:

One Pound of lean muscle weight burns up to an extra 50 calories a day. Resistance training is the key to maintaining a higher metabolism as we age.

Making the decision to try and lose of few pounds of fat doesn't have to be a drastic change to your current way of living. Start with one simple thing today and stick with it; when you start getting used to that try adding something else. You will soon see that it is not that difficult, it is just a habit-a very good one!

For more info visit www.fabscyberfitness.com
