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Sunday, July 6, 2008 

Natural Weight Loss Herbs

While a healthy diet and routine exercise are essential to a healthy lifestyle, we all know that losing weight is not always the easiest thing in the world and sometimes we need a little boost. As more of us strive to live a more natural life we look for holistic ways to improve our lives. This of course includes weight loss supplements. Here is a list of natural weight loss herbs that can help give you the boost you need to help you lose those extra pounds.

Please keep in mind that herbs can interact with prescription medications and it is advised that you talk with your doctor before starting any type of herbal supplement. Below you will find a list of herbs to help you win the battle of the bulge.

Cayenne - this herb contains a little ingredient called capsaicin which helps to stimulate saliva and digestion as well as giving your metabolism a kick in the rear so that it is functioning at safer and healthier level.

Alfalfa - this herb works as a diuretic, and seeing as how 60% of your weight is water, getting rid of excess water is beneficial when you are looking at the numbers on the scale. Alfalfa contains saponins help make fats more soluble, which helps move them out of the body.

Chickweed - there have been several studies done that show this herb helps break down fat molecules. When used in combination with Burdock root which balances the oils and fats in our body the chickweed helps to break the fat down and the burdock root helps move it out.

Cinnamon - helps to create a thermogenic burn in the body and it helps lower cholesterol. It has been shown to be incredible beneficial in fighting off diabetes caused by obesity.

Green Tea - this herb works much like coffee but also contains Vitamin C and flavonoids, which are compound antioxidants. This herb has been used for years to help increase weight loss and curb appetite.

Dandelion root - this herb works on the liver and helps to increase the metabolism of fat. The dandelion root works in the body as not only a tonic cleaning out the toxins we ingest, but it also works as a stimulant to help get digestion going and revving up the metabolism.

Fennels - are a wonder weight loss herb. They not only help rid the body of excess water, they curb hunger and improve our energy levels. You can make a very nice herbal tea with fennel seeds and Nettles to help drink away your excess pounds.

Nettles - this herb is very rich in Vitamins C and E as well as packed with calcium, magnesium, silica, iron and potassium and it helps to remove toxins from the body and though how it helps with weight loss is still not understood, we know that it works. Hawthorn - an herb that decreased the amount of fat in the blood and improves circulation. We also know that Hawthorn berries also help to stimulate the adrenal gland and the thyroid as well as breaking up the undigested food in the stomach so that it can be removed.

Of course, there is an ancient Chinese Formula: Lotus Leaf, Poria, Bush-cherry Seed, Chinese Yam and Hawthorn Fruit. These herbs can be found in 999 Fitness Essence.

One should seriously consider using herbs as an alternative to pharmaceutical weight loss products. They are safe, effective and have on harmful side effects.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Cardio Machines.

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