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Friday, May 16, 2008 

How to Lose Weight Very Fast Part 2

The first part of this series addressed the nutritional component of this equation.

In that article I laid the foundation to the kind of diet you need to consume in order to achieve "maximum weight loss in minimum time."

Before we dive in to today's lesson I think we need to make an important distinction: If you want to lose weight "very fast" then yes it is possible but it requires more focus.

Sure, you can lose weight by not changing your lifestyle dramatically but you can't make "dramatic changes very fast" without making dramatic changes in your lifestyle.

Makes sense, right?

OK, onward.

Part 2 of this series is exercise.

Here is what I want you to focus on:

Building Muscle. Well get to why in a bit...

But read on b/c this probably isn't going to be your typical advice.

See, most people have no clue how to build muscle.

When they hear this kind of advice they instinctively think "oh, I know that."

But when I look around at my local gym I can tell you that I know this isn't this case.

See building muscles begins with strength training (weight lifting, body weight workouts...etc -->whatever you want to do)

But this only where it begins.

Do know how muscles are REALLY developed?

I'm not going to go into a full blown discussion about muscle fibers, "the pump" and for the purpose of this article I'll assume you don't care. This might even by the truth. ;o)

Here the bottom line: Muscles develop through STRESS.

How do you create stress? You create stress by exercises your muscles to failure.

See, everyone wants to make this complicated.

"Do this routine." "Do that routine." "No that routines the best"

The TRUTH is that it doesn't matter what you do.

It matters how you do it.

Do whatever you want.

But if you are not experiencing muscular failure than you are not maximizes your muscular development.


Now, how many of your sets should result in muscular failure?

That depends but I would say somewhere in between 25-75%.

And let's be clear about what muscular failure is: it means FAILING!

In essence it means that you can't complete another repetition. You FAIL on your last one.

Now when you begin to apply this simple principle the results will be very exciting. Trust me.

You're body will begin burning lots of energy in order to fuel the growth of the muscles and that energy will come from fat.

Because unlike a body builder you are not going to consume lots of calories right? So instead of getting bigger you're simply going to get leaner.

Sound good? Of course this article is only for those who want to lose weight "very fast."

To learn more visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse.