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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

How To Lose A Few Pounds A Week Even If You Are Obese

If you are obese, perhaps you want to learn how to lose a few pounds a week. Losing weight can be hard if you are obese and what you need is a strong desire to eliminate fat once and for all and change your outlook totally.

Maybe you have bought several weight loss pills, diet programs and even enrolled as a member in your neighborhood gym but why are you still not losing weight?

You have seen success stories of obese people losing weight and enhancing their life and you got inspired but you never really achieved the same results.

Take a look at yourself. There is one thing that you need to change and change badly. For obese people, that would be their diet. That is the number one problem in losing weight. Because they used to eat a lot every day, they find it hard to change their dietary habits as they are forced not to eat their favorite food.

Pizzas, burgers, deep-fried chicken and fries are very much second nature to most people who are obese. Not a week goes by without at least consuming them once. You need to lay your hands off these unhealthy foods at least!

If you want to know how to lose a few pounds in a week, all you need to know us that the amount of energy you expend must be more than the amount of food intake. Not only must you eat less, you must also eat healthier food. No excuses.

Obviously, you should not starve yourself as when you do that, sooner or later you will be binging and that is very bad for your body.

Include exercises in your weekly routine. Start with brisk walking as you have not physically pushed your body for so long. When you see that brisk walking becomes easy for you, start with slow jogs then progress to a normal jog and increasing your distance each time. You don't have to go for speed at all. You are not entering any competition anyway.

When you start exercising, you'll realize that you achieve a good amount of weight loss as obese people lose weight easily during the first few days of exercise. Stick to a routine of at least 30 minutes of exercise per day and alternating your days.

Meanwhile, do a plan for your diet as well. Write down the food that you should and should not eat in order to lose weight. Now that you have a well thought out plan, how to lose a few pounds in a week becomes second nature to you.

There are also a few diets you can go through to aid your fat loss regime. Whichever you choose, be disciplined. Stick to it and religiously follow the course till you see your results

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