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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

The Power of Fitness Ebooks

Unlike gym memberships and expensive workout equipment, fitness ebooks dont cost you an arm and a leg and they dont require you to leave your house to go workout. Everything you need is packed into one solid .pdf file. This is the power of fitness ebooks - theyre cost-efficient, electronic books that you can instantly download onto your hard drive for immediate use. Thats why when it comes to fitness training - ebooks are the way to go.

Not only do they provide you with the knowledge you need in order to reach your set fitness goals, you can always refer back to them at any time in case you forget about a specific point. If you were at a seminar or a public gym being taught by a fitness guru, you would have to take notes on every single thing he/she said in order to intake all the information. That kind of learning just isnt necessary with ebooks - and thats why they are not only cost-efficient (most cost around $10-$30), but fitness ebooks are also time-efficient - you learn much quicker.

Most good fitness ebooks give you exercises that dont require heavy machinery or expensive workout equipment. Just exercises that can be done using either your own body-weight or your own environment. And there are some very good body-weight exercises out there, that give you a full-body workout just like as if you were using a machine.

Im not saying gym memberships and workout machines/equipment are bad. No, they most certainly arent. Im saying that theyre often expensive and that ebooks are easier on the wallet. You can choose whichever option best suits you. If you like seeing $80 deducted from your bank account every month for a gym membership, or spending $300 on the latest Bowflex, then go right ahead and throw your hard-earned money away for the same stuff you can find in a well-written ebook that would probably only cost you around $20.

Want the absolute best fitness ebook that teaches everything that you would learn in a gym or seminar, plus more? Then you have to check out Inhuman Stamina.