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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

Where To Get Weight Loss Advice

It really amazes me who people take advice from...

If you are going to take advice from someone, make sure they have the results (their body) to back up what they're teaching.

Most of the inaccurate information out there is circulated by people who have no real grasp of what it takes to achieve effective and permanent weight loss.

If you were learning to play basketball do you think it would be smarter to learn from an NBA player or a fifth grader who had yet to learn the fundamentals?

Keep in mind however, that many people will tell you with complete conviction to do things that simply do not work.

Take a good look at the people who give you health and weight loss advice. Are they lean and fit? If the answer is yes then this person could very well be a credible source of good information, but if the answer is obviously no then why would anyone listen to them?

OK, I know this sounds incredibly simple and obvious right?

Except for the fact that this is how millions of people get their advice! You can respectfully listen (no need to argue) but then you'll most likely need to disregard a lot of what you may normally hear. People mean well, yet the truth is that most are ignorant as to what it really takes to make dramatic progress quickly and effectively.

As Albert Einstein said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."

And I'll also tell you right now that your new habits might strike some people as not being "normal" by their standards.

You should take this as a good sign because "normal" is the majority. You and I both know what the overall state of health is for the majority, don't we? This is why you should want to be abnormal. And let it also be known that living life lean may have become uncommon, yet this doesn't mean that it is not natural.

It is.

So the point here is that many people are simply the victim of poor advice. Often it's the equivalent of a get rich quick scheme for the body.

Trust me, I know how tempting it can be to listen to some of the claims being made. But again, my advice to you here is simple: Listen to Doers. By this I mean people who actually practice what they preach and have the body and physical vitality as proof.

I also recommend that you seek out people that have the exact body that you wish to manifest. These are the people who you want to study. Get as much detailed information as possible regarding their diet and exercise habits. This information is worth its' weight in gold because it's coming from a credible source.

Actually, even better would be to find people who have the body that you desire but were once overweight and out of shape.

This is where you can really begin to find some empowering knowledge that you can act on.

This is called "modeling" and it is a proven shortcut to success that I recommend. Just make sure that your "model" has kept the weight off for some time (at least six months) and is not a flash in the pan.

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com

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