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Friday, May 16, 2008 

Weight Loss Secrets They Don't Want You To know

Ever heard of the phrase, "Rome was not built in a day?" If things started happening just with the flick of our finger, then life would be bliss. It's the case with weight loss too. If the accumulated weight was to be lost in one day then would be not be a dream come true for people who are over weight?

Our human nature is such that we crave for everything that is new on television. It may be a shampoo with extra conditioning or a branded lipstick or eyeliner? The latest addition to the shopping community is Weight Loss products. These are simple and easy to lose, with a guarantee that a lot of weight will be lost. There are these supermodels, who anyway are lean, promoting weight loss products at a nominal price. We instantly fall into the web and order for a sample.

There are these reality shows which encourage over sized people to participate, promising them a leaner body. People rush to these shows only to realize that life is even more difficult. Those who make it, get famous and rich instantly.

Everyone wants to lose weight in a jiffy. You actually think it's possible. The so called weight will come down, but will it last for a long time? There are repercussions on losing weight in simple ways. The quicker the weight loss the more muscle fat we lose.

There has been a lot of discussion on weight and fat. Do any of us even know what the difference between the two is? Weight in simple words means heaviness, mss or load. Fat on the other hand means overweight, plump, chubby and other such Webster meanings. What we all wish to shed is fat. Don't blindly go for the products which promise you quick weight loss in a few days. It's not possible. You have to be aware that with proper nutrition and exercise, we can keep our weight in control and keep it away.

When you feel dull and devastated knowing you are overweight and no longer fit into your favorite jeans. You fight, cry and yell to get something which is the least troublesome way to lose weight. Ho! Behold! a new weight loss advertisement flashes on the screen and you see a silver lining to your problem. You quickly call the tele shopping network and order the product.

What is stated by star fitness gurus is that people do not have what is called patience. They want everything to happen quickly without making an extra effort. It's the hare and the tortoise story here, and the moral being simple. Slow and steady wins the race. With workouts each and everyday, you will shed pounds of fat and that will surely get a twinkle in your eye.

It's better to get into the grip of exercise and nutrition rather than to flip into the web of commercials. Remember All that glitters is not gold, it may be fake, it may be old.

Chris McCombs is a Health and Exercise Specialist in Orange County California. At one time Chris was 143 pounds overweight at which point he looked in the mirror and decided to do something about it. Chris lost the weight and started his own fitness business Positively Fit Inc., an area exclusive life change service.

You can learn more about Chris at http://www.socalworkout.com/

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