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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

The Importance of Stretching - A Whole New View

Stretching: Here is a first step we can all do when trying to motivate ourselves to become more involved with Health & Fitness. Start your training program here.

Stretching is highly important, useful and vital to the construct of the human anatomy. So much so, that the designer and Creator of this endless marvel has built it into our nature as an involuntary act. The average person stretches as needed 95 percent of the time with little to no awareness that he or she is even doing it. It is such a key function that God didn't even leave it up to us to make sure it happened. Sure, we can choose to stretch when we want, but we do not need to be so actively involved each time such movement is needed or necessary.

Now I'm not speaking of the kind of stretching one does before or after a workout or training session. Nor am I referring to the times that it is necessary because of a cramp or soreness. I am only identifying your common everyday stretch. The stretch you do prior to standing up from watching TV during the commercials, or getting up from your desk at work or even getting up first thing in the morning. However, such stretches can be incorporated into your daily or weekly training plan. I strongly encourage you to become more actively involved in common everyday stretching. Add these stretches to your Health & Fitness plan. Why?

Well, first of all, they are easy to do. You don't need any fancy equipment or fitness training tools. Secondly, they can be done anywhere. I do mean anywhere. No one will be any the wiser, suspect or lost as to your 'curious' behavior. And thirdly they are not time consuming in any fashion.

But what's the most important reason? What takes place, what happens on the inside, when you find your self needing to stretch? Well, when do you find yourself needing to stretch the most? When you're tired and needing to stay awake, when you've sat still for too long, when your muscles ache, twitch or fall asleep & even when you first wake up in the morning. This is because stretching stimulates muscle, it improves your breathing which helps to oxygenate the blood, it increases blood flow to the brain and it helps to increase your heart rate. It also strengthens and relaxes muscle and improves body composition and stature.

Have you ever noticed when becoming tired you feel compelled to yawn? Yawning is a stretch and it helps to oxygenate the blood and increase flow to the brain. There is a 'monitoring control center' that keeps track of certain functions in the body. When the nervous system relates back to the brain that these functions are operating below their proper levels ... you yawn.

So I say all of this to encourage you to stretch more often. Do it on purpose, do it knowing what you're doing, but by all means do it. It's a great start to the best workout.

Greg Rouse is an accomplished martial artist whose experience reaches back into his early childhood. Having practiced and trained in several different styles and techniques over the many years he is well-rounded and ready to share what he has learned. To learn more about what he can do for you in Health & Fitness, Martial Arts Training, Seminars and Special Programs visit http://www.ctctaekwondo.com

He is also a minister in training who loves to reveal Truth to any eager and willing listener. If this is you and you would like to hear more, enter into discussion, schedule a visit or see where he'll be next visit myspace.com and search for 'heirtohisriches', or stop by the Living the Ministry Community Forums.