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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

Juice Fasting For Weight Loss

Juice fasting is normally adopted to give your body a rest and to allow accumulated waste to be removed. During a typical juice fast, except for water, nothing else is consumed other than the juices. Hence, in the process, there can also be a very noticeable loss of fat as well. In fact, juice fasting for weight loss on a regular basis especially if you are on the overweight end, can help bring your body to a more healthy weight.

It seems natural that a detoxification diet will also relieve you of unwanted body fat because many toxins are found in the fat cells. By eliminating the fat, the toxins are released into the body so that they can be eliminated through the typical procedures, such as urination or through the lungs. This is why juice fasting gives you energy and provides better overall health.

By unlocking the pure nutrients from fruits and vegetables, a juice extractor gives you the opportunity to obtain pure energy from the juice, leaving your body to release toxins from various sources. Juice fasting is preferred over water fasting, as it allows you to carry out a fast for a longer period of time, while still having the energy to function. Depending on the amount of weight to be lost, the level of activity, and individual metabolism rate, a person can lose over one pound a day on this fasting regime. For a quicker weight loss, you may want to dilute fresh juices with some water.

Although juice fasting is one of the most healthy way to shed unwanted pounds that encumber you and harbor toxic substances, you should take note that of those cases for which juice fasting is best to be refrained. Pregnant and nursing mothers, diabetics or those with blood sugar issues, people with liver or kidney disease, or other chronic conditions should discuss any dietary changes with their doctor before starting.

There are several side effects that can occur during juice fasting. These include headaches, fatigue, hypoglycemia, constipation, acne, body odor, and bad breath. If you experience dizziness, unexpected weight loss, vomiting, blood pressure problems diarrhea, or worsening symptoms for long term issues, then stop juice fasting immediately and consult your health care provider. Most people do well with the fast, but some conditions may be aggravated by it.

A week before starting your fast, it is important that you eliminate alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, dairy, and meat from your diet to prepare your body for the cleansing. These changes will help you minimize any side effects that may be experienced.

During juice fasting, consume between 32 and 64 ounces of juice a day. Juice can be made out of celery, carrots, kale, spinach, cabbage, apple, pineapple, cranberry, beets, and greens. Fruits added to vegetable juices can help to sweeten the combination, making the drink more palatable. Citrus juices can be difficult to process during a fast. Drink the juice and warm water. After the diet, ease yourself back into a solid diet gradually so as not to shock your system.

Juice fasting for weight loss is gaining much popularity as a great way for a healthy person to eliminate unhealthy and unwanted pounds. Many celebrities have also admitted to using juice fasting to help keep them in shape. Using some common sense and easing your body in and out of the fast, can help you achieve weight loss in a safe and effective manner. If you are carrying out juice fasting for the first time, do run by your health care provider. You also need to ensure that you set aside time to rest during the period of the juice fast.

Sandra Kim Leong writes about the importance of improving bowel health. She recommends adopting a detox diet to help relieve digestive diseases. For free research, please sign up to her newsletter at http://www.Detox-Cleansing-Diet.com.

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