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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

5 Tips to Lose Weight the Fastest & Healthiest Way Possible

Fast, healthy weight loss is not only achievable, but it can also be long-term weight loss. Even though it took time to reach this uncomfortable weight gain, no one wants to workout and eat right and get their results slowly. Fast Weight Loss does not have to mean starving through the day, living on fluids and a single meal. Believe it or not there is a natural and healthy way to lose weight quickly and some what effortlessly.

There are 5 things that you can do to maximize your weight loss. These tips can help you lose weight quickly and in the healthiest way possible.

1) Drink Plenty of Water - I know, you heard this a thousand times. I did too, before I took it serious. Let's just remind ourselves of the benefits of drinking more water. The most important reason to drink plenty of water is because it keeps your body well hydrated. When your body is dehydrated it tends to hold onto excess water weight. the next major reason is that drinking water helps your body eliminate toxins built up in your system and encourage elimination both through the bowels and kidneys.

2) Add More Fiber - It's not necessary to take a fiber supplement in order to add more fiber to your diet. There are some great foods that have a high fiber content that should be a part of your daily diet. Some of them are: Apples (5g), bran cereals (8g), whole wheat bread (4g per slice), grapefruit (6g), 1 cup broccoli(6g). These are just a few choices. It's recommended that you get at least 25-30 grams of fiber a day, so if you have 2 apples, 1 bowel of bran cereal(raisin bran is good choice), 2 slices of whole wheat bread and 1 cup of broccoli, you've covered your daily requirement.

3) Eat 5-6 times a day waiting 3 hours before meals - You can turn your metabolism into a fuel burning furnace by eating frequently during the day. 5- 6 mini meals during the day will keep your metabolism high. This technique signals your metabolism and telling it that there is fuel constantly coming in ready to be burned (which is true). So your metabolism burns what comes in and some of the stored energy just to keep up and make room for the constant supply of food.

I remember when I learned this little trick, I was surprised to see just how fast I dropped pounds. It's nice to know that you are actually allowed to "eat" while losing weight.

4) Completely eliminate or at least drastically reduce the sugar - Sugar is one of the most over looked cause of weight gain. Don't be misled by the fact that it doesn't contain fat. Sugar can cause a huge spike in your insulin production which can shut down your fat burning capacity and keeps it low which will promote fat storage.

5) Supplements to add to your daily diet - Add Enzymes, a good Multi-vitamin, and Green Tea to your daily diet. Adding Enzymes to your diet can improve your digestion and make sure that you have maximum absorption of nutrients in your food.

Taking a good multivitamin will make sure you get all of the essential vitamins and minerals that help regulate and support the function of key organs such as liver, kidneys and heart.

Green Tea is a superior tea because it contains polyphenols which inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This tea also lowers cholesterol, gives you energy and helps suppress appetite. All without the usual side effects of other diet stimulants.

Applying the 5 tips can help kick your fat burning weight losing furnace into overdrive. Making you lose the weight a lot quicker and get lean a lot sooner.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. For more information go to Body Wraps Exposed