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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

Recipes for Bariatric Surgery

A patient who has undergone bariatric surgery loses normal appetite for the first six weeks or so following the surgery. Dieticians prescribe special light diets to meet the nutritional demands of the patient. A quality diet assures proper healing and adequate nutrition.

Recipes for bariatric surgery patients are available from dieticians and health specialists. Almost all these recipes stress an ample dose of protein, which is essential for growth and repair of tissues. Protein-rich foods are lower in calories, and they can thus help maintain weight loss. The amount of required protein intake is calculated by a dietitian. Patients are usually given a couple of high-protein supplements daily. High-fat foods are best avoided since they can cause dumping syndrome and complicate the healing process. In addition to fat, sugar should also be avoided since it is difficult to digest. Recipes for bariatric surgery patients usually supplement sugar with honey. The quantity of food is kept low to avoid digestive problems.

Bariatric surgery involves some modifications on the stomach region. The patient is, therefore, restricted to a liquid diet for the first two weeks following the surgery. Only clear liquids such as diluted apple juice, sugar-free gelatin, and chicken or beef broth are included in the diet. Artificially sweetened, noncarbonated beverages are permitted for one or two days. Carbonated beverages are strictly prohibited because they release gas, causing bloating and pain. Clear liquids are gradually replaced by thicker liquids such as milk, yogurt, protein shakes, creamed soups, and sugar-free puddings.

Two weeks following the surgery, pureed food can be eaten. However, meals should be small and contain significant quantities of protein. By the fifth or sixth week, more variety can be added to the diet. The diet should now ideally contain fruits, vegetables, healthy carbohydrates, low-fat proteins, and heart-friendly fats. The normal appetite of a patient is usually restored six weeks following the surgery.

Special recipes are also prescribed for patients who are about to undergo bariatric surgery. The pre-surgery diet contains a high percentage of proteins and very low quantities of calories and carbohydrates. This diet is prescribed to decrease complication risks. The overall success rate of the surgery is increased by strictly following the prescribed diet.

Bariatric Surgery provides detailed information on Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Cost, Bariatric Surgery Patients, Bariatric Surgery Centers and more. Bariatric Surgery is affiliated with Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery.

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