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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

The Untold Facts On Weight Loss Diets

Man seems to have lost a certain virtue called patience. Everyone wants to do everything at a much quicker rate. People looking to make money want to get rich quick, those looking to lose weight want to lose it even faster. This is one of the reasons why the internet is flooded with companies that offer you a quick fix.

It is estimated that almost 50 million Americans will go on a diet this year and you might be one of them. However, here is one fact that may create a grim picture about the diet programs out there. Most diet programs may be successful in helping you lose a few pounds straight away, but very few will be able to help you sustain that weight loss and keep those kilos from returning.

Understanding weight loss

Losing weight is about diet management, health management and most importantly exercise. If you come across any claims that you can lose weight while you continue to eat whatever you wish to and without indulging in any sort of exercise, then consider it to be false. You need to reduce the calories that you consume and you wish to burn off some calories that you do consume. This combination is the only way to lose weight.

Spot reduction is not possible in a healthy way. So if a diet program tells you that you can lose the fat around your hips or buttocks only, then it is false or involves an unhealthy way to reduce it. There are some extremely low calorie diets that ask you to starve literally and only consume proteins. But the body needs a regular intake of carbohydrates to stay healthy and continue functioning. So stay away from any such diet program.

Temporary loss and rebound

Crash diets may help you get into shape temporarily but you can never continue to eat that way for long and eventually you will gain those extra pounds back.

For more info visit : Weight Loss Diets