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Friday, May 23, 2008 

Workout Programs for Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson

Fat, weak, and stiff is no way to play golf. You need to burn fat, get strong, and improve your mobility with bodyweight exercises to lower your score.

Not only does Tiger look like he gained even more muscle in the off-season, it looks like he has Mark McGwire's arms, almost. Although again, Tiger is doing this all without steroids.

There is one man to beat in the game of golf. Heck, he's even driven Phil Mickelson to start exercising and to lose weight. Even Mickelson has lost his baby fat.

I'd be very interested to see Tiger's workout program. Is there anything fancy in it? Or is it just the basics? How does he gain strength without sacrificing mobility? That is one of the biggest mistakes most "bodybuilding" type routines make...if a golfer did bodybuilding type training, it would most likely ruin his game just as easily as getting fat and out of shape.

Does Tiger use a lot of bodyweight exercises? Does he do cardio or interval training? If anyone has the inside scoop on that training program, let me know.

Now you certainly don't need to be a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or gymnast to be a good golfer...as you can see by the physiques on many other men and women on tour. However, you can't let your strength or mobility be the limiting factor in your game. So you need to train...

The best things to do are...

1) Use a variety of bodyweight exercises to work on your strength and mobility. This can be part of your warmup or can compose your entire workout. Like I said, you don't need to be a powerlifter to be a golfer.

Skip the machines and use bodyweight exercises. There are dozens you can do at home.

Then once you've mastered those, move on to spiderman pushups, spiderman climbs, mountain climbers, one-leg romanian deadlifts, stability ball leg curls, hanging leg raises, pullups, chinups, and decline pushups.

I use over 12 different kinds of pushups in my programs. Plus, at least 6 different types of squats. Bodyweight strength training will lower your handicap.

Plus, it will increase your stamina and focus late in the game - combined with good nutrition of course.

2) Work with a good golf coach to identify your weaknesses. You can be too stiff in the game of golf. So have your coach check you out? Is your work posture ruining your shoulder mobility? Etc.

3) Eat right for fat loss and mental energy. You won't get tired on the course. Most golfers ignore the importance of nutrition. Tiger eats regular meals, even while golfing, to keep his brain sharp. And he ain't eating junk, unlike many of the older players on the scene. Plus, good nutrition allows him to recover between rounds and between workouts.

If you follow these three steps, you'll have a better body, you'll burn fat, and you'll golf like a champ. Get stronger in the comfort of your own home with body weight exercises.

Find out why interval training and turbulence training is better than slow cardio. Learn more from Craig Ballantyne.