Lose Weight by Drinking Water? No Way!
Water; many of us during our daily lives unfortunately don't drink enough of it, I being one of those people before I learned some curious facts about it. Most of us know that drinking water instead of pop or juice is very healthy because it removes the intake of sugar from our diet which is a huge cause of weight gain and bad health.
But did you also know that water has a couple of hidden traits that most people don't know about? For instance, if you drink your required daily intake your body requires, you end up getting rid of the extra water that was being stored in your body, resulting in a quick loss of weight.
Water also speeds up our metabolism which is the "force" that burns calories, so simply by drinking it, you burn fat. The third thing I found out about water is something that I'd never heard before and found to be quite interesting.
Anything that you take into your body that is below body temperature is warmed up to body temperature before being flushed out of the body in the form of waste. So that means when you have a glass of cold water, your body has to warm it up.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
When you warm anything up, like cold water, it takes energy to do so. Calories are an energy form, which means when you drink cold water, you burn calories because your body has to expend energy to warm it up!
XM has been trying to lose weight for years, find out how he finally achieved success. Visit him here: http://hubpages.com/hub/sofat