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Sunday, July 6, 2008 

A New Weight Loss Plan and a New Job Go Hand in Hand

If you are one of the thousands of people who started a new job this week or moved on to higher pursuits in your career, I would like to say congratulations and a job well done.

Now most people upon starting a new position will want to look their very best and continue to do so after the initial interviews and hiring process. You probably want a brand new wardrobe but realize that if you were a few pounds lighter there would be more styles to choose from.

And whether you say this out loud or not, you know in your heart that if you were 10, 20, 30 or more pounds slimmer that you would not only look better but importantly, feel a world of a difference as far as your body's health.

Of course, now that you have a new career position, you may be busy for a while which is certainly understandable. But keep in mind that you have 336 half hours week in and week out. And of those half hours, you really only need 5 of them to enjoy walking. You will see and feel the difference.

Perhaps you can go walking before or after work with your kids or friends in the neighborhood. There's nothing like being outside in the fresh air and enjoying the sunlight that gives us the necessary vitamin D.

Or how about this idea: Instead of eating lunch at your desk or a lunchroom table, take your new diet and eat standing up and finishing your lunch with a walk with fellow employees. That would be a fun way to get to know your new associates on the job on a more informal basis.

Above all else, one needs to stop complaining about their weight problems and more importantly stop making excuses. If one starts taking responsibility for their change of diet and exercise, the mental battle has already been won.

All that is left is making time to walk and we're only talking a half an hour a day five times per week. And don't forget that this could be real quality time with your family, friends or fellow employees.

So, make your decision to look and feel better today. Then you can start celebrating with that new wardrobe or gift that you've been wanting with that new found money from your exciting new career.

FJ Tapia, a respected author, has been doing research in the areas of finance and health for over 10 years. FJ's writings reaches millions of readers and shares with them the most relevant and accurate information. In this case on weight loss diet. http://www.nosurgerylipotherapy.com/index.php

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