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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

High Metabolism Loses Belly Fat Fast

One of the keys to losing belly fat fast is to increase your metabolism. This is really a simple concept. But some people have taken this to extremes and resorted to medication. It is not necessary.

If you are already on a sensible diet and have an exercise program in place, what you need to know is how to get your body to burn the fat fast. Belly fat is no different from any other fat in your body. To burn belly fat fast, you must burn calories fast.

We all know that metabolism burns up body fats. But strength training, one of the most effective ways to keep metabolism up, can be misleading. Just because you are on a strength training program, it does not mean that you are maximizing your metabolism and thus, your fat burn rate.

Many trainers acknowledge that the intensity of the strength training plays an important role in increasing your metabolic rate. If you want to burn fat, you need to increase the intensity of your strength training. A high intensity work out will not only have the benefit of burning more fat during the exercise, but it will have the added benefit of keeping the calories burning for hours after the exercise. This effect is commonly known as the afterburn.

So, together with your cardio program, you must make sure that you incorporate strength training and intensive work out sessions into your overall exercise regime. If you can do this, you will be able to sustain a very high calorie burn over a sustained period. This is the best and most effective way to lose belly fat fast.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find the fastest way to lose belly fat and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

We are giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.