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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

Weight Loss Principles To Lose Weight - Fat Storage and Fat Burning!

It is common knowledge that a moderate and sustainable eating and exercise pattern has to be established to remain healthy and achieve the desired weight loss.

Our primary fat storage mechanism is Lipoprotein Lipase.) The foods consumed in the form of carbohydrates, starches and sugars stimulate LPL and allow fat storage.

It is possible to adjust this mechanism, by adhering to a few weight loss principles.

Turn off the body's fat storage mechanism - This can be done by food coupling, which means avoiding foods that are dangerous when taken in combination with each other. Fat and carbohydrate couplings, such as found in fried foods, cookies, cakes, candy bars etc., lack bulk and they make it easy to consume hundreds of calories without feeling full.

When fat is eaten at the same time as carbohydrates, both the fat and carbohydrates are pushed into storage. The result is, increased blood fat levels and increase in stored fat. Not only that, the body's basic blood sugar control mechanism gets damaged and slows down the metabolism and causes weight gain.

Turn on the body's fat burning mechanism - Some foods burn "hotter" than others; that is, they cause the body to expend more calories for heat, encourage activity and are not as readily stored. Proteins and complex carbohydrates are "hot" burners, such as whole grains, whole-grain products and nearly all vegetables. They are not stored as fat easily and they tell the body that it has enough fuel, so it is alright to expend energy. This heat producing effect after a meal turns on the metabolism.

Exceptionally good and energizing meals are those that couple lean proteins such as fish, skinless chicken, lamb, lean beef and tofu with various non-starchy vegetables.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn

fat at the same time, visit http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

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