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Wednesday, July 23, 2008 

How to Lose Love Handles and Create a Winning Body Image

Imagine how you will look when you lose love handles. Strong, slim, even sexy could be some of the descriptions that come to mind. Once you lose love handles, your body will just naturally have a more attractive silhouette. Yet love handles, those unsightly bulges of fat on each side of a person's waist seem to be the last area of fat to go. Here are the tips to help you get them to raise the white flag and give in.

It's very hard to lose love handles with spot exercise. Crunches and sit-ups just don't use the muscles that lie under the love handles. Side crunches do target those love handles. You could even do those with some lightweights to make them more effective. There is also a Callenetics exercise that specifically uses those muscles and trims the waistline. Just remember that as you strengthen those muscles they could make your love handles appear more prominent.

The best exercise for love handles is cardio vascular exercise. Cardio such as swimming and jogging raises your overall metabolism. Fast dancing and activities that cause you to swing your hips can also raise your metabolism and target some activity toward the muscles under those love handles. As the cardio vascular exercises help you burn fat, the love handles will go as well. Don't over do the cardio though because it can break down your muscles and you want to keep as much muscle

Diet is the other component in the battle to lose love handles. You have to cut down on your caloric intake. There's no getting around that. The easiest and most convenient way to cut down on calories is with a nutritional diet shake. They're easy and quick to prepare and for that reason you're more likely to continue to do them. Anything that takes a long time and is complicated is a definite turn off in this fast paced world.

Skipping meals is detrimental to weight loss because when you get hungry you're likely to grab anything and that could mean a candy bar, some fast food, or some convenience food like potato chips. Your shake should include some high quality undenatured whey protein, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids and some carbohydrates. In other words it should be well balanced.

Another way to see results with losing love handles is to do a detoxification, cleansing program. There are several on the market now and they're becoming more and more popular because of the success people are having with them. What they do is to help your body to release wastes and toxins from your fat cells. This helps your fat cells to release their fat.

Lose love handles and Bring Sexy Back! You Don't Have To Starve Yourself or Workout 5 Hours A Day to lose up to 7 to 22 pounds in just 9 days. See the revealing video that's changing how you can lose weight quickly and safely while skyrocketing your nutrition. Visit http://www.thebossofweightloss.com operated by Carolyn McClendon. "Hey I can get back into my wedding dress now and that was 20 years and a kid ago."

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