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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 

Speed Up the Metabolic Process - Lose Fast Weight

The amount of energy that is required by the body is referred as the metabolic rate. In some other definition metabolic rate tells how rapid the carbohydrates can be burned. It had been proved that the people who are not active and don't perform physical activities have low rate of metabolism. So here are some of the ways to boost up the metabolic rate: -

Stay active all the time: - a person must always indulge in the exercise programs like aerobic programs and training sessions. If a person stay active then the amount of the muscle that a person is having gets increased which further helps in speeding up the metabolic process. It is advised to stay active all the time to improve the lifestyle.

Have meal is small portions: - a person must always has a habit of eating the less food but in continuous portions. So it is advised to eat often but not too much in quantity. It is preferred to have small meals instead of having large one or two meals. This activity can be performed daily. This helps in ticking up the metabolic rate.

Take foods which are protein based: - the amount of calories which are present in the rich diet of proteins, around 25% can be burnt off easily. One thing a person must notice is that the rich food consisting of proteins must have a low fat which can include diet like meat, chicken and also the dairy products which are low in fat.

Go for the consumption of the green tea: - green tea will help in speeding up the metabolic process as it contains the antioxidants like Lida Meizi Slimming Tea and Healthin Organic Tea for Weight Loss.

Determine the intake of the daily calories: - a person always calculates the ideal quantity of calories which can be consumed daily by a person. The simple method to calculate the amount of the calories is to multiply the weight of the body by factor of 11. This factor can be changed to 12 if the level of the activity is above average. This can result the calculation of the amount of calories. Therefore the amount of food must contain the appropriate amount of calories which is calculated on the above basis. This diet can be followed till 7 days and can be extended further for a period of 2 weeks. In few time there will be a significant effect noticed in the health of person. This will help a person in losing the weight in correct manner and also the muscles of the body will remain intact.

For lose weight buy Lida DaiDaihua products.