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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 

How Women Lose Body Fat Gain Muscle - 8 Tips to Turbo Charge Fat Loss

This is How women lose body fat gain muscle - they plan well and are prepared to be patient. Women who are patient have long term views to eat sensibly and train hard on a consistent basis to get the body they want.

There are no short cuts or miracle cures for a lean body - but if you can keep fat loss simple, you will lose body fat and gain muscle over time!

Below are 8 tips on How Women Lose Body Fat Gain Muscle -

  1. Understand your 'how' and 'why' behind each exercise and food choice. That way, you'll more likely stick to with a program.
  2. Eat Slowly - it will help overweight people lose weight because one tends to eat less, instead of overeating at a fast pace. Eating fast without chewing food properly makes you eat more calories - Because your stomach does not register how much food you actually consume. This is why you keep eating without feeling full and consuming extra calories.
  3. Eat more fresh wholesome foods. And say no to eating out, take-away foods and junk food.
  4. Drink less sugary beverages - best yet cut it out completely. Sugary drinks including the diet kinds just adds unwanted body fat. So Stick to drinking plenty of water or green tea.
  5. Whole fruits such as apples are more filling than dried apples, and much more filling than apple juice. A glass of juice provides around 500 kilojoules but an apple or orange (205 kilojoules) will save 295 kilojoules, have more fiber and still meet your daily vitamin C quota. Fiber expands in the gut, makes you feel full and helps stop you over-eating. The rule - try to get 2 servings of fruits a day - and 5 servings of veggies. Both fruits and veggies are great sources of fiber and carbs!
  6. Make meals more satisfying by including two to four portions of high protein foods (like poultry, fish, low fat dairy foods, beans, eggs and tofu) daily. But don't overdo it - eating more protein than you need won't help you lose weight faster. Comes down to eating in moderation.
  7. Be consistent and make the new found habits as part of your lifestyle. Do it consistently, and it will become the norm for you.
  8. Never Stop Challenging Your Body - Every week, mix it up - create new routine by varying the moves, the intensity, the number of reps and sets. For your body to keep changing, your workouts have to keep changing too - and must include strength training to tone your body. The best workout for women are a combination of interval training and challenging resistance training. If you need the best fat loss program for women, The Truth About Six Pack Abs covers a range of the most effective workouts and nutrition tips designed for women to lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time!

For More Fat Burning Ways on How Women Lose Body Fat Gain Muscle, Visit The Truth About Six Pack Abs Now For a FREE eBook on "Training And Nutrition: Insider Secrets for a Lean Body" And Discover Fat Blasting Tips on How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast!

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