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Wednesday, July 23, 2008 

How to Lose Your Weight Without Losing Your Energy

Exercise is an important addition to a good weight loss program but what happens when you lose the energy you need to exercise when you are trying to lose weight.

Exercise is only beneficial to your body when you have enough energy to do it and recover from it, as exercise breaks down your body but also stimulates recovery and growth, to help your body function and look better.

But without enough rest from all types of stress (including exercise) and enough food to create energy you cant recover from the exercise you do and your body will struggle to cope with the stresses of life, and dramatically increase your chance of a major disease or injury and drain your energy.

Good fresh food gives you energy to deal with stress, not eating and resting will not only make you tired but also will add to the stress of your body and make the situation worse.

You must give your body something to work with, in order to work out you must first ""work in"" before you can ""work out""! So you can have energy to use you have to first create it, otherwise you are just creating an energy dept.

You may need to stop working out until you have enough energy to do so, every time you do is slowly destroying your body.

Need to start eating something regularly through the day, especially breakfast, try juicing fresh vegetables to drink, veggies lose value quickly after juicing so drink them soon after juicing them. But you need to work towards eating real food in a complete diet containing protein, good carbohydrates and fats.

To learn 5 common mistakes which will virtually destroy your chances of long term fat loss, get your free Email Course "5 reasons why your home fat loss program isn't getting you the results you want and how to fix it so it does" by clicking here or below.

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Brett MacPherson is the creator of the Home Fitness Trainer website, a site devoted to providing high quality information to people who choose to exercise at home.

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