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Wednesday, July 23, 2008 

What Do You Think The Fastest Way To Lose Weight Is?

The short answer to this question is diet and exercise. The difference between those who lose weight fast and those that do it slow is strategy selection. What does this mean?

There is no one best way to lose weight. There are, however, some strategies that will work best for you. You need to find these strategies. There are literally hundreds of weight-loss strategies. I have an eBook that highlights 50 of them.

Not all of these will work for you. But some of them will and you need to find them. Here are three strategies you can consider right now.

Stay Away From Drugs

Using drugs and pills is not the fastest way to lose weight. It is the most dangerous way. Proper exercise and diet works, period. Remember, being overweight is due to your lifestyle. You can not take a pill for the rest of your life.

Therefore, if you take a pill to lose weight, but do not change the way you eat and exercise, then you will regain the weight the pill may have allowed you to lose after you stop taking it. This is not a sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off.

Furthermore, the side effects of diet pills are very harmful to the body. Moreover, weight loss pills are not cheap and therefore they are simply a waste of money.

Women and Men Are Different

The fastest way to lose weight will differ for Men and women. Also, men are able to lose weight faster than women can. If you are a women, you will really set yourself up for disappointment if you try to lose weight as fast as a male friend close to you is able to.

It just will not happen. Simple set your goal of losing either one or two pounds a week and stick to it. Do not worry about what others around you are able to do. Especially if those around you are able to lose more than two pounds a week. That is unhealthy for your body and should not be done.

Take Vitamins

Multivitamins may assist in improving your health and make you feel less hungry. The theory goes as follows. One of the reasons we eat so much or are hungry all the time is because our body is craving nutrients that it is not getting from the empty-calorie unhealthy food you eat.

Obviously, in your attempt to lose weight you will want to start eating more healthy foods and less junk food. However, should you ever find yourself in a situation where you are stuck eating fast food or some kind of junk food, take a multivitamin along with it to boost its nutrient level.

Finally, the fastest way to lose weight is not the safest. It is not safe to lose more than two pounds a week. Do not attempt to set a goal that requires you to lose more. You will only disappoint yourself and hurt your body. Look over my 50 weight loss strategies to find the ones that work for you. Implement one strategy at a time until you master it, then move on to another one. Good luck!

Learn how others are losing pounds of body fat week after week with my 50 Weight Loss Tips ebook. Just send an email to fatlossmadeeasy@aweber.com.

Learn more about how to lose weight here.

Learn about the importance of food portion control when dieting safely.

See what this article says about the fastest way to lose weight?

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