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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

Hoodia Gordonii Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Hoodia belongs to a category of plants called succulents. Hoodia plants resemble a cactus, and has the consistency of a cucumber. The Kalahari Bushmen of Southern Africa don't eat Hoodia for the taste, but for releasing energy and curbing hunger. For many years the plant has been a dietary mainstay for hunters on long trips. It helps them ward off hunger, thirst and pain while they are hunting and foraging for food.

The weight-loss industry has been abuzz lately with the hoopla over the wonder slimming plant Hoodia Gordonii. Currently, there are around a dozen types of hoodia, and only one however, hoodia gordonii, contains the active ingredient called p57, which is believed to function in the suppression of appetite. There have been no randomized controlled studies of the effects of hoodia gordonii on humans, only anecdotal evidence, mostly after local Bushmen in Southern Africa ate parts of the plant and lost the desire to eat, or had a feeling of fullness.

A clinical trial conducted by Hoodia manufacture Phytopharm demonstrated that repeat dose administration of large doses of Hoodia extract caused a statistically significant decrease in daily calorie intake. By day 15 the calorie intake had decreased by approximately 1000 kcal per day.

At present, the media has come up with a flurry of reports about the miraculous wonder of Hoodia gordonii as simple, nutritional support for weight control. Hoodia gordonii has been featured on the internet, and in all print and television media and radio. It is reported as beneficial weight control when used as a dietary supplement or in drug research.

It was reported that some people who took Hoodia have noticed their appetites reduced within 20 to 30 minutes, and probably lasted for several hours. Their craving for food has diminished, they feel full and experience delays in the onset of hunger. People also have reported an increased sense of wellbeing. In some users, it may take up to 2 to 3 weeks for Hoodia to achieve the desired maximum effect. Hoodia has not been reported to make users feel jittery or anxious, so it is not a stimulant. In fact, there are very few side effects reported with the use of Hoodia.

These days, hoodia is often marketed and sold in the form of capsules, powder, and trans-dermal patches, and has been added to the formula of several already-established weight loss supplement brands. Hoodia gordonii provides great promise for controlling caloric intake - a key factor in the control of body weight.

While obesity reaches epidemic proportions, the afflicted become increasingly desperate to find new ways to control their body weight. You'll eat less, gain a feeling of fullness, feel less hungry, and have a better chance of losing weight; hoodia can even fight obesity if used properly. Hoodia can also help in elevating your mood and increase your energy level.

The benefits of Hoodia are a major example of how the traditional use of folk remedies of natural origin can form a basis for research that may often result in scientific breakthroughs. Most treatment methods have involved the proprietary interests of big business.

Hoodia gordonii will become a dietary supplement of major interest internationally, as there is increasing public knowledge of its apparently miraculous effects on appetite control. Nature is not easily fooled, even though Hoodia gordonii seems to trick the body by giving a sense of satiety or fullness.

Hoodia Remedy - http://hoodiaremedy.com

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