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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 

Secrets to Successful Weight Loss Part 1

Relax, I'm not going to make you go to a plastic surgeon and call that my secret. I want you to do me a favor and get a piece of paper and pen. Now, once you do that I want you to write this on the top of the line, "I'll kick your ass!" Reason why you are writing that is because you are going to. I want you to feel motivated and in a sense be driven to lose weight. I know many people out there trying to lose weight in a organized schedule and never see changes because they aren't driven. You might find it repulsive to believe me however, as a nurse people who are striving to survive cancer somehow make it. Others who know they aren't going to survive end up passing away faster then doctors estimated. You need to be driven in order to lose weight and see changes. With that said, lets move on to something that everyone usually has problems in.

1. Food: Fruits and vegetables are your best friends. Eat them as much as you can, you can never gain weight on eating them. Never skip a meal, starving your body makes it go into survival mode. This means that when you're body is on survival mode it will trigger your body to take in fat, but later add more fat into you when you eat another meal. When you want to diet, break up your meals into 4-6 a day. The way to successfully lose weight is to never get your body into survival mode, which means always eat something healthy every 2 hours. If you are on the run going to work always get a yogurt, something that has low calories and carbohydrates. If you happen to skip a meal, try to drink something instead such as Jamba Juice, Juice it up. I'm sure everyone loves desserts. You can have them, just remember what the next step is you might need to do 5 minutes more of.

2. Work it!: Work out, I suggest before working out drink a protein shake. Reason being is, when you work out you are going to burn muscle and you need protein to help revive your muscles faster. While in this process you lose body fat. No need to run, sorry you're not building endurance or stamina. You are trying to lose and burn fat here. For women, i suggest you use elastic bands on your work outs. If you can use weights start low and later work your way up. Try to break up your work outs, use the paper i made you write and put Monday through Friday. Write the workouts on each day, but just do one body part. I suggest you do abs at least 2-3 times a day, whichever the day you feel comfortable doing. Never over train your muscles! Your workouts should be no longer than 30-45 minutes. Make sure you can work out till Friday. Just a reminder, you're going to consume 2-3 times of water during your work out.

2. Learn to drink: If you want to lose weight, you need to drink tons of water. For those who can't drink water, I suggest you drink electrolytes such as Vitamin water, Gatorade, and etc. Drinking water helps you feel revitalized as well as working your body. It also increases your energy meaning you can work out longer and harder.

For further information about weight loss please check out my Squidoo page at www.squidoo.com/ezmoneymoney

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Lose weight now!